Use your Visa, Mastercard or other credit card to make on-line payments through PayPal (a secure, on-line payment system). It’s simple, just follow the 3 easy steps below. Thanks.
Make a Secure, On-line Payment Here
Please read all 3 steps below, including the “Cancellations and Refunds” policy, before you continue, thanks.
- Decide which class(es) you want to take, and confirm with us by email or phone that there is still space in that class: or (831) 476-5385.
- Click on the “PayPal” button below and fill in the appropriate $$ amount for the class or classes you would like to take (this button allows you to choose any amount up to $2,000), and then follow the prompts to fill in your PayPal or credit card information. (Please read the “Cancellations and Refunds” policy, and please realize that your payment may be non-refundable within 2 weeks).
- PLEASE: After you’ve completed Payment, please send an email with the date and type of class you paid for, so we know which class you are signing up for. When paying for more than one class on different weekends, please make separate payments. Thanks!